Principal’s Message


September 7, 2017

Greetings Emerson Families!

I am excited to work with you this year to provide our Emerson Scholars with the best possible education that gets them ready for success in High School, College, and great careers. For our 8th grade families, I am eager to celebrate the graduation of our 8th grade scholars in June 2018, as they begin the next step in their learning journey. This year, our school wide instructional focus is engaging students in learning. We want to ensure that all students not only learn the content their teachers are teaching them, but also understand why they are learning it.

In order to help us in our goals for our Emerson scholars, we ask that you take the following steps:

· Register for PupilPath to keep track of your scholar’s grades and communicate with teachers and staff. 6th grade scholars will receive their PupilPath registration letters on Monday, September 11. Please ask your scholar to share the letter with you on Monday! The letter will have all the information you need to set up both the student and parent PupilPath accounts.

· Attend our Back to School Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 26 from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. You will have the opportunity to meet your scholar’s teachers, hear about the classroom expectations in each subject area, and learn about the before and after school opportunities that are available to Emerson families free of charge. Assistance will also be available for new and returning families in ensuring you have successfully registered for PupilPath.

· Participate in our Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). We will hold our PTA elections for 2017-2018 during Back to School Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 26. Since our PTA Executive Board last year was compromised of parents whose scholars have graduated, we have openings for all three PTA Executive Board positions; PTA President, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you want to have a say in shaping the programs and supports for your scholar, we strongly encourage you to run for any of the three positions by nominating yourself or a fellow parent during the election on September 26.

I look forward to all the great things we will accomplish together this year, and hope that you are able to join us for our Back to School Curriculum Night, participate in our PTA, and take part in the various events, workshops, and celebrations that we are planning for Emerson families throughout the year. Mr. Darnell Childs, our parent coordinator, will be sending out regular email updates of events along with a monthly newsletter. Finally, know that my door is always open, and I look forward to hearing from you as we work together for the benefit of all Emerson scholars.

Educationally Yours,

Jakub Lau

Principal, The Emerson School