Measures of Student Learning Basics (MOSL)

Why Include Measures of Student Learning?

Advance is founded on the beliefs that all students can achieve, and that teachers are the most important school-based factor in influencing that achievement. Understanding how students are performing is a crucial step toward recognizing outstanding teaching and encouraging meaningful improvements in teaching and learning. With Advance, schools can prioritize feedback and professional development in the areas that will help teachers influence student achievement most.

NYCDOE uses a variety of assessments to measure student learning, with the aim that schools and teachers use student data to drive instructional decision-making, toward the goal of preparing all students for college and career.

Measures of Student Learning Basics

40 percent of a teacher’s overall rating will be based on measures of student learning (MOSL). All teachers will receive:

  • Two different measures of student learning (40%)
    • State measures (20%)
    • Local measures (20%)

State Measures

State measures include state assessments or, in some instances, a list of allowable assessments and growth measures from which a principal must choose.

Local Measures

Local measures are selected by the School Local Measures Committee from a list of approved options and submitted to the principal, who may accept the recommendation or opt for the default measure, which is a school-wide measure of student learning.

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