Principal Letter to Parents


October 1, 2014

Dear Emerson School Learning Community,

Congratulations to you and your scholars on a successful opening to the 2014-2015 school year; we couldn’t have done it without you! On Monday, September 29, we held our PTA elections and elected our PTA President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. I would like to congratulate and introduce Ms. Charm Rhoomes, our PTA President, Ms. Ayesha Eldridge, our Recording Secretary, and Ms. Laura Rouse-Granum, our Treasurer! We are still looking for Parent Class Representatives, who would be responsible for attending PTA meetings and sharing information with their scholar’s class’s parents via the school’s phone messaging system. If you are interested in serving as a Parent Class Representative, please contact our Parent Coordinator, Ms. Ayala Coles or by calling the school. Our next event that is open to parents is our first School Leadership Team meeting, which will take place on Tuesday, October 14 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in room 112.

Attached to this letter, you will find an invitation to register for PupilPath, the program our teachers use to create grades and contact parents/guardians. If you already registered last year, you do not need to re-register. However, it is very important for both you and your child to create separate accounts following the instructions in the attached letter. PupilPath is the best and fastest way to check on your scholar’s academic progress and to contact their teachers. If you need assistance setting up your account, please contact Ms. Coles, Parent Coordinator. We will be sending out more information shortly about workshops on using PupilPath to maximize your scholar’s academic achievement.

I am excited to work together with you to ensure high school, college and career readiness for all of our Emerson Scholars! In the coming weeks, you will be receiving a revised Family Handbook with important information about procedures and expectations at our school. Starting this month, you will also be receiving a monthly calendar and newsletter with important events. I also encourage you to periodically check our website, as we post all important updates and information there as well. Finally, you can reach me any time by contacting the school or emailing me Thank you for your continued support!





Jakub Lau

Principal, I.A.

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