Scholars Of The Month – October 2024

Dear Emerson Learning Community, 

If you’ve been following us, you know about the return of Scholars Of The Month and how happy we are about it. Emerson’s teaching environment empowers scholars to be their best versions and have a higher expectations of themselves. Here’s the list of October’s selected scholars. 

Class Scholars Of The Month Teacher
601 Ashley Guasco Castillo Ms. Mundy
602 Harmony Jones Ms. Sass
603 Melanie Machado Carabali Mr. Noureddine
604 Anthony Martinez Ms. Beharry
701 Denzel Dominguez Ramos Ms. Dookran
702 Nicholas Ramdial Ms. Czarnecki
703 Nishat Rafi Mr. Conroy
704 Caraldo Philips Mr. Karagrozis
801 Aden Castillo Mr. Gonzalez
802 Treyvonne Williams Ms. Rahr
803 Madison Villalona Mr. Cain
804 Marium Rose Mr. Holder

Scholars of the month, congratulations! You must be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. 

Parents of scholars of the month, congratulations to you as well! If you permit the school to post the scholar’s photo on our website and social media, please fill out the “Media Consent” form and send it to (find your language HERE).

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