The Emerson School College Tours

The 8th graders will be going on college tours during the month of February. The following colleges will be visited: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 St. Joseph’s College Class 803 Chaperones- Ms. Ross, Ms. Sidat & Ms. Richards; February 13, 2018 Queens College Class 801/802 Chaperones-Mr. Fulgencio, Mr. Bility, Ms. Tibert, & Ms. JonesFebruary 13, 2018 Columbia University Class 805 Chaperones-Ms. Foo, Mr. Vincent, & Mr. Drakes; February 14, 2018 NYU Class 804 Chaperones-Mr. Guzman, Ms. Shiw, & Mr. Noureddine. Please see me if you have any questions.
Ms. Jones
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