Dear Emerson Learning Community,

As we get started with our second semester and third marking period, we ask for your continued support in ensuring our scholars are at school on time, every day, in uniform, ready to learn. We have less than 40 school days before students will be taking their state English Language Arts (ELA) exams, which begin on March 28, and we need every minute to help them get ready to do their best work. Students can practice their skills in Math and ELA at home as well through the online programs we are able to provide our scholars, such as iReady, myON, and iXL. Students have access to all these programs anywhere they can get an internet connection, either on a computer or on a smart phone. We are also providing academic intervention after school which we strongly encourage all invited students attend. If you are unsure whether your child has been invited to participate in academic after school, please contact the school.

We also hope that you can join us on Thursday, February 16 at 5:30 PM for our Mid-Year Awards ceremony. We will be handing out awards for the Principal’s Honor Roll, Assistant Principal’s Honor Roll, Dean’s List, Perfect Attendance, and more! After the Award Ceremony, we will have our February PTA meeting where parents will have an opportunity to hear from a teacher representative from the ELA department talk about the work students are doing in English classes.

I look forward to our continued work together and encourage you to regularly check your child’s performance on PupilPath and reach out to the school should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress toward high school, college and career success.


Mr. Lau


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