Principal Message

  As we get ready to start the 2024-25 school year, we are writing to let you know that Emerson still has a limited number of open spots for September in grades 6, 7, and 8. If you or anyone you know living in New 
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New York City public schools will be closed on Monday because of the winter storm that’s expected to dump heavy snow on the area.      
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March 8, 2018 Dear Students and Families, The horrific school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018, has profoundly affected communities across the country, and many young people feel spurred to take action. Young people, through actions like 
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As we get started with our second semester and third marking period, we ask for your continued support in ensuring our scholars are at school on time, every day, in uniform, ready to learn. We have less than 40 school days before students will be 
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  December 2016 Dear Emerson Parents and Guardians, The three weeks we have left with students before the Winter Recess are an important academic time for students. Once we return in January, the 2nd marking period will be ending shortly; report cards will be distributed 
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Dear Parent and Scholar,   Congratulations! Welcome to The Emerson School family.  We look forward to going on an exciting journey of education and discovery with you over the next three years!   Let me start by introducing myself.  My name is Mr. Jakub Lau 
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Dear Emerson Learning Community, I want to wish you all a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Holiday and New Year. I am proud of the community we have created at Emerson and look forward to 2016 as we work to be more collaborative, and even better 
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Dear Emerson Learning Community, This stretch between the Thanksgiving Break and the December break is an important time of the school year. Traditionally, it is a time that students test the limits of teacher tolerance for inappropriate behavior. It is pivotal that students see quickly 
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Updated 7/8/14 June 2015 Clerical Shortened Days   The Chancellor authorizes the early dismissal of elementary and intermediate/junior high school students (including full time prekindergarten students in public schools) as well as D75 students on not more than two afternoons during the month of June 
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Dear Emerson School Learning Community, I am excited to start the new school year with you next week as your new principal! Last year, the founding team at Emerson was able to create a solid foundation for our expanding learning community. I look forward to 
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